This Is Why Your Partner Left You In Pieces. - CrystalMag



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Thursday 2 August 2018

This Is Why Your Partner Left You In Pieces.

You've been in countless relationships and you are left with nothing than the broken pieces you find yourself in?

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Have you ever for once sat down and think of your past relationships and ruminate on reasons why your boyfriends left you?

Have you ever for once thought of it that you need a break?
Have you ever had time to work on self-development?

If your answers are NO!, then you this article is really for you. This Article addresses both Men and Ladies.

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Relationship isn't all about the whole body chemistry and the quality time you spend kissing and talking with your partner.
It also entails good character, ability to think (creativity), Ability to solve problems, and Ability to address issues from different perspectives with a mature mind.

Read on : Thoughtful Ways To Spice Up Your Relationships

Dear Ladies, Men out there are not searching for beauty without brains, But beauty with brains. They need someone who they can confide in, someone who is emotionally matured and financially stable. They really do not need someone that wouldn't add value to their life, they really do not need someone that would always nag them out.

Dear Men, Ladies out there are not searching for cheats, and liars. Ladies need a man that will always stand by them to fulfill their dreams. Ladies need a man that will believe in them and would not be in a competition with them in achieving greatness.

Emotions are not enough to keep a relationship, You should really understand that.

Read on: Key Points In Maximizing Your Long-Distanced Relationship.

Hey Ladies, Here's why your partner left you. Feel Free to criticize in the comment section. Drop your points too....The comment section is for you.

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KP NO 1: Your relationship felt like an emotional burden to him.

A relationship grows out of two people who have their lives and happiness, who brings together their lives and create happiness for each other. In great relationships, Partners don't depend on each other for their happiness.

No, it doesn't work that way. Here's one of the reasons why a man can leave a woman, when your emotional stability and happiness depends on him. Men don't need women to depend on them for happiness. NAH.

KP NO 2:  Your long term relationship goals were incompatible.

Truth is bitter, but better be told. As earlier said, Men need a stable and independent lady to settle with. If your long term goals are not compatible with his, be sure he's gonna leave you.

 If your goals are just to stick with him, slay on social media, spend lavishly and enjoy the moment? then be sure a great man whose goal is to build a future, thrive and succeed in his business and achieve great things would never stay with you. So sis, check yourself.

KP NO 3: He feels like he can't be himself.

Men don't stay with women that NAGS., no matter how great his love is. Men do not have time to stay with a nagging woman, he'd feel she's trying to fix him. Ladies, Never attempt to fix your man, it;s dangerous, only if you want him to live under pretense.

 Awesome relationships are about compatibility, both partners can be their whole and genuine selves with each other, without judgement and  fantasies.

Dear Ladies, Always try and give room for self-development. Search from within, Understand your Strength and weaknesses, Understand your mistakes. Cry it out if you want to- no one would judge you for that. While being single, you can as well maximize your single hood. Work on yourself and wait for the next man.

Hey Guys! Here's why your lady left you, feel free to make use of the comment section. Thank you.

KP NO 1: You don't express the "ME" Language.

What i mean here is , you don't talk at all. You feel you are a man, and your partner shouldn't know much about you. You don't discuss your issues, while she's open and free with you and you expect her to stay? Nah Kolewerk Bro!

Communication in a relationship is key to its survival. This doesn't just mean day-to-day uttering of "how are you". This means you being free and open, it means you expressing your feelings adequately to your partner.

I've once been in a relationship where my partner wasn't the talking type. If you don't talk, how do you expect ladies to understand you and act accordingly? Whether what you have to say is good or bad, you cant expect your partner to understand you if you aren't on the same page.

KP NO 2: You have become too selfish.

 No Woman would want to stick to someone who is overly selfish. She's independent, she takes care of herself without disturbing you or pressurizing you. You should respect her for that.
I'd define what i mean by selfishness. This doesn't mean that prioritizing yourself in certain situations is selfish, of course you need to be happy.

But at times, Guys take this to an extreme. Don't be selfish when it comes to taking decisions, Don't be selfish when she needs your attention in solving a lifetime project. Don't be selfish when it comes to dropping a little cash for upkeep, even when she doesn't demand for it..

KP NO 3: You had nothing in common
When you started out your relationship, everything was new, completely new. Completely new that you overlooked some flaws and you were just too blind for some reasons.

But as your relationship grew over time, your partner craved for some form of common ground and common interests to help keep you both engaged with each other. But it just didn't happened so well that she had to leave.

There are other points i wouldn't list out, but so i'd just mention them here, Ladies could leave a man if the sexual life isn't great, or probably she wanted a man with a big penis, of which yours wasn't a match. Ladies could also leave if the man doesn't place a value on them, and respect their personality.
A man can also leave a lady if she doesn't possess great skills to keep a home, like cooking skills, Proper hygiene..Not mature enough when dealing with situations.

There are lot of reasons that could contribute to why your partner left you.
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Yours Truly,

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